Rules wyboru metaloceramic
If you want to pridbati nedorogo metalocherepitsy, kupovati neasy product SOSM not obov'yazkovo. Many suchasnih virobnikiv proponuyut pokrili materials available for cnow I s oftiny guaranty Daugavet products. Most importantly, nobles valiv, momenti wrogo vibora and respost us about them spivrobitnyky compan in that, you can bezposrednio of semovita metalocherepitsy () Almaty.
theViznacheno s manufacturer of
Mporta metal guilty mother visoku more quality, than the scho vegetalia in our country. Vdiscourages od imeni brand I from nadana guarantees. By the way, max garantine period of 50 years. He posits on pokolm products s puralator polimernym pocitam. If the metal has got which ball s polyester, warranty ne bude not more 30 years.
thestructure Features
Metal vegetablesa s iinkomo holodnokatanoj Stal, Padano foldable technonogy processes obrobki. In order dwellers pcvisit corozine sticksthe, ocynkowany listy pokrivaet phosphate. Further yde hruntove of pokrittya scho zabezpiecze gdna scalene metal and more decorative Palmera of pokrittya. Tilna side also pddata opobs - protrim varnish is, zachistit surface from drsnik pogrebin I scuffs. On lyzlovo the direction of the applied kolorowe of pokrittya s Palmer.
First, than bought metalocherepitsy, you Varto peritonitis in nayavnost vsih of pererahovan us SARV:
Stalevo sheet I ball zinc;
Corrosion zakisnogo pokrittya of the first primer;
Decorative colorouge polimernogo of pokrittya I zakisnogo varnish.
is important!
virobnikiv Part of this pokole material, as a rule, TSE asets compan for desilence product is not dodati ball primer and / or phosphate. Peritonitis in nayavnost CIR pockettv can potapovski Waskom Tilo side material. Podravina bare skin applications which ball.
0.5 mm - pokaznyk standartno tosini stalevo sheet. Ale yakscho vie wants oblizyvat Krut chili, that in podelcoma 100% not pddewtea statnim navantazhennya (it is not judicial and others), can vibrate metalocherepitsy, wykonane s list stall of 0.45 mm. Chim less then Tonsina plates, Tim niece vartist material. If you bought products pokrili 0.45 mm cousinou, CROC obreshetki robt dimensin.
ot fact. If newt on upabout marked Tonsina 0.5 mm, the real pokaznyk Mauger Buti 0.45 mm, or I (only have nedobrosovisna virobnikiv). If you don't want Buti abdurehim, vsmt mkramer I provedthe perevirka list vibrava. If you kupua product blagorodie I domago the manufacturer of such deception can not poboryutsya.
Ball-dip galvanizing
If you versile vibrate will metalocherepitsy was terminated for rozumnou cnou, snimiti s actu galvanizing necessary obov'yazkovo. At best virobnikiv factories the first factories vykorystovuyutsia accno steel, scho got Nadine Zahist od corozine process. Optimalni potasnik - 200-275 gr. zinc 1 square meter of the material.
Tonsina galvanizing - navalesi option. From ne saleit terms exploitez pocul. In order dwellers not to do an, porwnanie pokusniki RSNA virobnikiv metalocherepitsy.
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