What are Robit yakscho razbivka a thermometer?


VI scho you are Robit yakscho razbivka rtuti a thermometer? Yak, ocistiti primmest I khudi Vanneste vahedi? About all TSE mi pogovorim further that respost us about all TSE spivrobitnyky compan "Expert Mercury+": , Yak, bezposrednio Seimas lcvac Rtut in St. Petersburg.

Bet Rtut - strong otruta, the stench rozpadayutsya on small bags I rosshuette for primen. Of the UN s nadannya relief Cranham-uchenicy in Galus development (UNDP) gave recomandat in that case, if you have razbivka a thermometer.

UN Papariga scho at Razi porsenna closest chutivsky priladiv in navkolishn seredovischa purple mercury, bet ako mozhut prizvesti to serjoznih atrun. If rakovina vchasno not smrati scho otvorili bet three target nebezpecna concentration in power.

Bet Rtut easy proberutsya have organsm lyudin. In resultat mercury nukopijuoti, the heart, nikah, head Mosco, Velika toxicity, Braga nervou system.


Simptomi otron chuttu

Oznakama acute otron tuttu ye strong of head BL, zapalenia respiratory slajv, porsenna travno system, easy stalwart, Slast, apathy.

there is the toll-I hronca form otron chuttu, Yak Virata in Zaporojan, solivet, restatement. The TSI can easily oznaki pereputali s atamet, navti not shadowsi about those scho in kmnet razbivka thermometer.


Yak right spati mercury?

first cargo s cmnty need to Vijesti kids I tvarin. Marlew necessary to use masks, gloves that spetsodyag. Not be koristuvacha vycom first pilsonim.

Professionals operejaet scho need neatly spati bags Rtut Klenow strokoy, leykoplastyrb ABO sprintco. After TSE STN, palagi I slini need promiti of margantsevykh solution. Obov'yazkovo protreaty primmest push stroke tyzhden.

Mercury - rechovin easy viperous. Intensive vono viperous, if the temperature of the air vise 18 degrees. Chim tuple in primmer, Tim likely vdbase Tsey processes.

it's important pam remembered, scho zbran bags Rtut, vicorian towels, gloves, mask, vzuttya that odyag Pavin bootie upakovan I scan to install, de pererosshie mercury. Have Gurus CIM simauta private compan in Smartcop I in Rostov.


Scho not mozhna are Robit?

Not be wikidata balamani thermometer in the tank smti I wikidate zbran bags Rtut in Canalsat.

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