Scho him ablaut hman serve?

World of translation : Internet
, 00:44

Today, Internet technology zrobili CROC nestlike far ahead scho use domashn terminal for sberna nformats, leisure have wiggled propoganda Igor, ABO newt to work W according types documents SOSM not obov'yazkovo.

For such clay can zastosowanie wanono recently z'yavylysya hman serve. TSE already done talking I the meeting place on wenchester wlasnego comp PC, first hour, Oskolki in deyakih vipadkah ustanavlivat neophane zabezpechennya lessons programme on the same home terminal SOSM not obov'yazkovo. The prot bagato koristuvach still PR CDO sobi not ablaut, Yak pratsyuє TSE all.

Sprouse Rospatent I respost us about TSE spivrobitnyky compan POINT , sit ACO can be bought hmenu platform "Autodesk Configurator 360".


Hman serve: TSE scho technology?

unfortunately, many koristuvacha, that not znaim s fundamentals of work chmarny technologies, Sami serve tsogo type primaute Yak aces virtualne I understand the abstract. TSE is not showsm so, after be-Yak information is guilty sbergami iacomus nos (first cargo, garstka disk).

So, the same Marni grove service - TSE just vgcreate access to Gris, vstanovleno on dalekomu comp uter at merezhi s vikoristannyam Internetu. Well those same States I zberezhennya difference. In the this case of the TSE is similar to those if koristuvach zberg npharmacy on snmhome nos (Sunni zhorstky disk, flash drive and others). Only here quality soundname attach wistuba zhorstky disk dalekogo comp udarnogo terminalu ABO server to yakogo we otrymaty vgcreate access.


Osnovne rsdavid

On the modern Internet proscar can znati to dosit bagato wssa servs, however the basic prinjato, wagati tag:

  • showime difference;
  • web interface;
  • antivirus service ( Khmara ABO psionic );
  • grow serve.

Chi we stvoriti chmarny service itself?

Semestene stvorennya Chernogo serves right no Taka vzhe th klopka. Thus no need Buti programsto seven p yadey at ​​Col. To dosit use, skamo, service OwnCloud, Yak DOPOMOGA, stvoriti of such service, yaky Mauger koristuvach povnistyu nastupati pid VLAN consumer. Dallastown least here, I rospatiale s them smoge whether Yak lyudin.

nevertheless curiously vigladit rsena, that predvajati zastosuvannya GoodSync Pro Tonido or something has in this rod. Hour will need from 10 minutes to odd years, and in PDSMU koristuvach ottima Vlasna chmarny service. TSE, however, zdeblick have bagatoh ASICs s fajlovima showimage. In total, vono , ,, Oskolki peresonal koristuvach unlikely Chi bude zaymatysya rozrobka growih Internet platforms. Axis tilki vdras need zvernuti pay attention to confgures comp PC (it's desirable mother j not less then dvoh) I skupni of Zarezerwowany the volume zhorstky disks, if it is assumed, that access I zberezhennya nformat mozhut Buti sdisney stown Hemi koristuvacha.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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