Broker iOption has created a new algorithm - the signal signature

World of translation : Economy
, 19:20

What is the signature of heat (or heat signature ) and how it can be useful? The main purpose of a broker is IOption heat signatures - obtain and report the latest information on the financial market. To do this they work in collaboration with the world leader Faunus Analytics. From this partnership was born out of a heat Signature for financial transactions with complete security. Regardless of whether you are experienced trader or not, you will have a heat signature that will help you improve the decision-making process on your transactions.

Heat signature to predict the evolution of the asset

First of all, the creation of the latest technology will allow you to determine the trend of each option of the option will go up or down. Then, as soon as you receive this information, you can customize it based on the reliability level from 1 to 10. The closer the scale is to 10, the more secure will be our forecast. This system was introduced to respond to the precise demands in the transactions on binary options, that is, to determine the maximum possible value of the asset and strength of his movements, during a certain time.

This algorithm is called Heat Signatures. To succeed in the binary options market, we advise you to use these new methods. In contrast to those that were developed for Forex, they offer a proprietary system for binary options and therefore are more effective. Many people ask the question, how to trade binary options heat signatures? It's very simple, when the reliability index reaches level 10, the automatically generated signal heat signature. This indicates that it is strongly recommended to start trading.

What is the optimum temperature to change the asset?

You will get a heat signature email every time the asset will reach the required rating, which corresponds to 10 in terms of reliability. You can receive up to 4 emails per day. Each algorithm follows a global trend of the day, because there is no limit of information or signals.

For our VIP clients we offer direct access to our Analytics platform, which allows them to further configure the parameters of a thermal signature either by selecting assets or scale of the reliability or time. They can also choose whether they want to receive information by e-mail or by connecting directly on our website. VIP client has carte Blanche. You can also consult your account Manager to maximize the use of this service.

As with all services we offer, we have studied and optimized method of thermal signatures. The algorithm is continuously improved and we guarantee that this is our best design professionals. We are very proud to share with you this new system, so you can better anticipate each movement of assets and improve trading strategy.

in order to make the transaction, follow the same steps:

  • Define your asset;
  • the
  • Choose the option, up or down;
  • the
  • Set a certain period of time;
  • the
  • Choose the amount you want to invest in;

the Signature Algorithm allows you to specify the criteria:

  1. Shows the best assets to trade at the moment;
  2. the
  3. Shows how to choose a option up or down;
  4. According to the expiry time.

P. S: Binary options from 1 ruble .

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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