The right choice of camouflage for autumn hunting


What kind of camo to choose from, preparing for fall hunting? Of course, it needs to satisfy many requirements, because autumn is very specific and changeable time of the year. Naturally, it needs to be warm, not hamper the movements, well protect from wind and rain, and as a prerequisite, do not float. And of course to mask the presence of a person on the ground. One of the drawbacks of some of the Camos of the past years was the fact that when wet, some color was too dark, almost black. This dramatically worsened the masking properties of the garment.

Today the most popular type of equipment for hunting is the army camouflage uniforms. Specially for lovers of hunting, based on it produced in various modifications. For example, following the old English traditions, on the jacket front pockets can be made very large and bulky, allowing you to quickly drop back fired cartridge cases. The pockets inside can be supplied and fitted cartridges. Very popular kits with overalls that gives the ability to carry on a tactical belt, a significant amount of equipment and additionally use a roomy chest pocket.

commercial Camouflage schemes designed specifically for hunting in the fall, on the market a lot. However, here lies the danger even for an experienced person to be trapped. The fact is, that in our days the methods of applying camouflage patterns on fabric there are many. And not all guarantee quality and long lasting pattern after many washings. The most unreliable way of drawing on the basis from the point of view of durability is considered a transfer. This method can be used by unscrupulous manufacturers. So it makes sense to shop at reputable px where .

Another method of printing is screen printing. But it is not good for all kinds of fabrics, particularly those containing synthetics. Widely used fotoprint, which allows to accurately convey the nuances of color in the tissues of various types, including blended. Some modern digital (pixel) patterns are applied with the use of specific technologies, for violation of which a quality product cannot be obtained. So some models of the hunting costumes in these camouflage are more expensive.

Well, and the choice of camouflage pattern is a matter of experience of the hunter and those landscape conditions where it normally trades. The most popular, of course, are various kinds of woodland. Do not hand over their positions oak , silver leaf , birch , variation flectarn. Green brown palette, perfect for autumn landscape of the middle band, can be found in modern patterns. Oak , Moss , St. John's Wort and green , an Autumn leaf , Cane , Maple , Kink quite affordable and provide a good disguise from the eyes of beast or bird. Costly high-tech pixels of a type of Lizard or species of Toads .

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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