The series "Grimm" (Grimm): the Story

World of translation : Cinema
, 19:01

the Series "Grimm" (Grimm) - TSE Kaskova drama z palczewski whilom, yaky VSI persona have znamenitih gadiukiny Grimm, ojivayut I porushuyut segalini spoke, Oskolki pid hour of work so stink postijno stirayutsya s machnie stateme. Prem RA series "Grimm" vabulas 28 Zhovtnya 2011 rock. By the way, the series you can sit

His hour brother Grimm (nmark Dolce folklore) publle zbrka of Cuzco, which became bestsellerom usih casv, and also narodu. H books Boule preclude Mahatma movami and h heroes of steel UGLUBLENNYM parenting zi vsih kutochku world. Moreover, for h the Cuzco Bula snata velicity number knilm. In odnoimennomu seral persona of Cuzco gadiukiny GRM postanut absolutely novih images (stink mozhut of wbite, wastewate the attack ABO pastaway NSW lyudin, and VSI in zlocini will rosslea polcast, that openelis in aswicahyono in). VSI pod series "Grimm" vdbase. in Portland.

Script meni spodobavsya the same through Yogo simplicity. Vzagali, MOV there for a great rahunkom not about Cuzco - TSE tipovi palczewski series, and CE meni duzhe podobala. TSE taqiy sobi gbid "CSI: the meeting place zlocinu" TA "Sekretnih materials".


the Plot

NC BURKHARDT - molodi detective the direct spadkami genus GRM (mislivec for the evil spirit, that works in nashomu). Absolutely everything naschadki of this genus valout odnu statstg - mozhut baciti Stine the face of evil taruc (I no znachennya pid yakoy to mask the stench hovayutsya). Nespola for yourself NC sticas s so avisame scho Yogo smashout 100 % povrety in realist sovanna of koskovich personal. Bezposrednio after, Yak VIN proably nteres to Cuzco gadiukiny Grimm, VIN Rozum scho difference create zashifrovano rsement proroctwo, yaki, bezposrednio otnosatsa to thepersonal hour.

Palczewski pid vplivom novih knowledge, pevnyi hour can't come to the challenges. Yogo devno povedinka pomca called I pochine capitulates chomu VIN taqiy Pahari. Ale NC BURKHARDT prima rsena, zachistit the Kokhan from slogo tsogo jahu I stupa to sticky s patoine strastyami. Yogo colleague from tions borates STA Ed Monroe (Resnik-., scho becoming Slu on the road), that DOPOMOGA NCU panauti VSI tansta drink MPV.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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