Boilers Altep


Despite repeated statements by the government about the refusal of the super-expensive Russian gas, the fuel cost for household consumers is still too high. From the point of view of the current financial possibilities of the population the best replacement gas is solid fuel, but traditional installation for combustion is ineffective. Series boilers in this plan favorably, because they have long cycle combustion efficiency above 80%. As fuel you can use wood (humidity can reach 50%), peat briquettes, charcoal (coal, anthracite). Together with the main fuel allowed the combustion of wood waste (chips, sawdust) that need to shift balls to avoid pressovaniya.

Principle of operation

Externally, the boilers are Alta do not differ from the usual tverdotoplivnyh. Here is the same heat exchanger to the usual layout: the ash pan, furnace (fuel is loaded and is in the process of combustion), the flue for 3 turns. Grate between the firebox and zolnikov is made of water-cooled pipes, which allows to improve the overall efficiency.

ensuring the long-cycle burning (depending on fuel - up to 24 hours) is achieved by combining the microcontroller control (included with the boiler supplies the programmer and fan pressurization) and alternative air supply. In a classic variant of primary air is fed under the grate and burns the bottom layer. So very quickly the flame spreads to all the loaded fuel, and the combustion duration does not exceed 6-8 hours. Boilers Alta lights opposite the top layer, and air is fed as needed into the combustion zone. To do this, the design is channel boost with a few manual dampers that allow you to adjust the flow of air in a particular area of the furnace.


a long burning Boilers company Alta have obvious advantages over competitive models, which are as follows:

  • Improved camera loading fuel;
  • the
  • Cycle combustion duration up to 24 hours;
  • the
  • High thermal efficiency - the efficiency exceeds 80%;
  • the
  • optional microprocessor controller and a fan boost;
  • the
  • Increased opening to download;
  • the
  • Unconventional top scheme of combustion of the fuel layer.

Boilers Alta is an innovation in the market which will help you to reduce heating costs without reducing the efficiency of the process.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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