Brand book: what is it and why is it needed?

World of translation : Business
, 12:30

Sometimes comes to the advertising company and the customer says, "I need a brand book". But here's the question: "What is a brand book and why he wants it, the customer is difficult to answer. Because of this, between the contractor and the customer appears misunderstanding. In the end, by not being able to do what is necessary to the client and the reason for this is the different understanding of the concept of "brand book" by both parties.

Very often brand book imagine a book that has a lot of beautiful pictures: a trademark, logo, corporate identity, color scheme, font, etc., but this is not all. By the way, if you are interested in , then you can order it in "Pix Media":


What is a brand book?

Brandbook is the tool that helps the firm to build relationships with partners, advertising companies, as well as their target audience. It's kind of the basis on which is based the positioning of a particular firm in the market. Only in this brand book will give its owner the opportunity to optimize advertising costs and also to achieve recognition of your company among potential />
it turns Out that brandbook is the set of rules, which directly must rely on the firm positioning itself in the market. It should be noted that any promotional activities of the company in the 1st turn, aimed directly at customers. Therefore, the brand book should begin with the target audience, buyers.


That should contain the brand book mandatory?

Any brand book shall contain information such as:

  • features and characteristics of the target audience;
  • corporate style of the company;
  • the brand concept;
  • the concept of branding (subjects of advertisements, samples of advertising messages);
  • brand corporate identity and communication within the company.

What problems can occur in the absence of the brand?

If a large firm has no brand then it can cause various problems, for example:

  • Developing new brochures or signage, designers can make something focused entirely on a different target audience;
  • company Logo can be applied incorrectly. Without having a clear idea about the size of a company's logo on various media, it is not necessary to be surprised, if suddenly it will become longer or narrower than expected;
  • colors can very dramatically change your color or shade, eventually your ads will suddenly become highly similar to the ads of direct competitors.


the Question is: "to Develop a brand book or not" is not necessary - unambiguously it is necessary to develop. But, it is very important that both the customer and the executor of the brand that I need to in the end.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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