Basics of floristics

World of translation : Art
, 01:51


Floristics - is a special art of making compositions and bouquets of flowers, which you can learn independently or at the special courses.

On floristics courses at the very beginning are studied modular classical compositions, repeating strict geometric forms. bouquet floristicsThe simplest of geometric compositions is a ball of a paperweight, which is glued over by the leaves, seeds, coconut fiber and pasta, pre-coated with paint.  Initially its also easy to perform skeletal umbrella of leaves and cone from different dried flowers with gold or silver spraying.

The main objective of the florist
is to see and find the material. Feathers, beans, pineapple rind, cereals and much more may be appropriate for the floristic composition. bouquet floristicsA true master will always be able to notice the unusual and adds to the finished bouquet varnished bagel or pink pecan. Professionals use in their work professional materials imported from Holland. Such dried flowers and fruits of exotic plants may vary slightly from natural materials, for example,  selective oats will be larger than usual.

Natural materials are exposed to processing, their are: twisted, toned with varnish, painted, coated with glycerol. floristicsNamely processing of the material is the essence of floristics and it allows to achieve the desired accents in the composition. Instead of professional paints and varnishes artists often use car paint or nail polish, which are much cheaper. As an adhesive is applied comfortable silicone glue, which is applied to the surface with a special pistol.

After mastering the classical compositions you can move on to the vegetatives, which are simulating the natural landscape. floristics composition Vegetatives have several levels and from different angles look in different ways. The complexity of these works is that they should be seen through. The vertical and horizontal lines in the compositions match the rule of golden section. Vegetative, which is made in compliance with the Italian "Nandini" technique, is floristics compositioncharacterized by the presence of a dense collage material in the form of: nuts, acorns, seeds, beans, and pinecones. Such miniature garden can be a decoration of the coffee table and even a dining table.

Another type of bulk compositions is ikebana, which usually consists of dried flowers.

Collage panels can be a supplement to any interior, but for its creation you require certain skills. floristics compositionBilateral or through collage visually helps to divide the space. It can be performed with a single center or can be multicenter. A small raise of center of the composition can become an interesting solution, for example, most of the shells is located in the middle of panel, and then to the edges their number is gradually reduced. Leaves and various tissues, decorated with drapery or smooth can serve a background for collage.

Framework of transparent or through collage is made ​​of frame and lattice, which is created from branches or stems, such as a cane or bamboo. floristics flowerbedLittle windows on the composition are selectively filled, without overloading of the panel. All collages are performed by the same laws: the lines should not break off and need a point in their end. So, for example, on a sticking twig is glued: bark, shell, a piece of glass or fruit. Definitely need to observe the balance in the composition, and monitor the color ratio. To create a movement its better to use a linear material, rather than simply dotted.

Now, becoming acquainted with some of the subtleties of floristics, you can go for courses of florists or independently try to learn this wonderful art.

Video: "Interflora Floristry Demonstration - Valentine's Day"

Author: World of translation
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