What are dangerous goods

World of translation : Auto
, 11:03

Dangerous goods (DG) called products and materials, substances, wastes a variety of activities that under certain circumstances during storage, loading / unloading, transportation, because of its characteristics and properties can:

  • to harm the environment;
  • cause fire, explosion or damage to vehicles, structures and buildings , a variety of devices;
  • to cause death, poisoning, injury, illness or burns of people, birds and animals.

Classification OG

the Classification of predominant quantities of dangerous goods made by their manufacturers (shippers). To do so they can contact the relevant competent authorities.

For example, in Germany in compliance with the Framework regulation (GGVSE) and the classification of the classification of the majority of the EXHAUST gas (including hazardous waste) meets BAM (Federal office for testing and research materials). But in Ukraine, in the absence of competent authorities responsible for the classification the EXHAUST gas (hazardous waste), transporters, conceived to identify the EXHAUST gas (a hazardous waste).

When the transport of Oh (hazardous waste) cars and they are classified on the basis of the 2nd part of the ADR (by the way, if you need an ADR certificate, legatine it can be ordered on the website: ), and criteria developed by the Committee of experts of the United Nations.

OG Classes

In accordance with GOST dangerous goods (DG) are divided into classes:

  • VM (explosives), class I;
  • gases class II
  • FLAMMABLE liquids (flammable liquids) class III;
  • self-reactive and solid desensitized explosives, LVT (flammable solids) class IV.I;
  • spontaneously combustible substances class IV.II
  • substances which, by interaction with water, emit flammable gases class IV.III
  • OK (oxidizing substance) class V. I;
  • organic peroxides (OP) class II V.;
  • toxic substances class VI ,
  • toxic substances class VI.I;
  • YVES (infectious substances) class VI.II
  • RM (radioactive materials) class VII;
  • EC (caustic, corrosive substances) VIII class;
  • other dangerous articles and substances IX class.

All the OG names have a classification code consisting of 4 digits:

  • class
  • subclass
  • danger
  • hazard.

Author: World of translation
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