How to choose the glue?


The market offers different types and brands of adhesives that are produced by a variety of price and-quality manufacturers. But only on the brand and the price should not be guided.

Glue for wood and feed materials

On the question of the choice of adhesive for wood and feed materials should be taken seriously, since its qualities depend on the further comfort and durability with the use of certaincomponent of the interior. It is difficult to bond materials, so the glue must be appropriate, for example,.

Natural material in the interior of a house or doing work place attractive and comfortable. Paul, made of wooden planks or parquet wood or cork - for the bestthose who prefer natural rather than synthetic finishes. However, it should be remembered that a balanced approach to this issue can spoil such a wonderful choice. To natural wood or cork materials were in the interior for a long time, the board - not creak and do not crack, do not lose their appearance, it is necessary from the outsetla, during construction or arrangement, securely fasten parts. Therefore, one of the most important components in the preservation of wood coatings, particularly gender, is the right choice of special glue.

What is the glue?

The adhesive designed for bonding wood and cork materials, fromIt differs its elasticity, that is, does not crumble after drying. If we use it to the floor, it must, in addition to gluing wood pieces, combine them with a reliable foundation, and this can be concrete, brick, veneer, stone, metal, ceramics.

High-quality glue dries quickly, environmentally friendly and does not emitie harmful to human health. Durability, economy and durability - not less important features of modern adhesive for wood. With the increasing popularity of underfloor heating will be an additional requirement for the glue - it should be temperature-resistant.

What types of glue?

on the market todayyou can buy for parquet adhesives, glues for wood, cork and many other materials. Modern two-component aqueous dispersion adhesives consist of a powder and emulsions, which must be mixed before use. Price glue is high enough, but it is - a reliable and durable. Two-component adhesives are very durable, do not shrink, suitable for bondingwood with any base.

Wood adhesives harden faster dispersion solvents, but they are flammable, so treat them to be very careful.
For a flooring made of cork, which is characterized by both decorative and special comfort, often use universal adhesives are designedtary for bonding wood and cork, although it is worth to buy a special adhesive compound materials containing balsa wood: coating the walls and floor, the substrate for laminate and parquet flooring, cork moldings.

In fact, the glue with high elasticity slightly more expensive, but it increases the probability that stackedtary materials last longer and do not lose your sight. And the most important thing.

Author: World of translation
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