What is the puzzle?

World of translation : Psychology
, 23:20

Messing with puzzles extremely helpful. With them is always trained fine motor skills,attention, memory, imagination and imaginative, logical and spatial reasoning. And most importantly, puzzle takes a very long time your child. In general, it is unique in all respects is great fun, especially if it is from the puzzle!

The history of the unique puzzle

According to allOfficially, it is the advent of the puzzle we have to plain English cartographer, engraver and also part-time successful unique merchant John Spilsbury. Around the far 1763 (plus or minus one year) he was just stuck on a small thin panel of high-quality precious mahogany beautiful hand painted grasvyuru with the image of the whole of England and Wales, and then sawed a board to pieces - he did it directly on the borders of counties. The resulting mosaic Spilsbury undertook to promote both quality and unique benefits for a unique learning geography and soon all duplicate his simple invention went all very aware children's roomsGOVERNMENTAL very wealthy British families. A good and clever entrepreneur immediately a well expanded the entire range of benefits, and as a result there were a large card teams in Europe, Asia, Africa and America.

Here, however, it's time to make a unique reservation. In the second, half of the XVIII century in England livingand worked as a young French woman, Madame de Beaumont, has earned itself all the glory is a prominent teacher and innovator. So, according to some unique evidence, methodology quality teaching simple geographical split using these unique cards came up it was she, and Spilsbury only good and just picked up the idea of ??"hocksthe flow of silt ».

From time to pass large unique images of all the small pieces are addicted and all adults - in large European aristocratic salons was the late XVIII - early XIX century, all wooden puzzles were just at a premium. Now, in addition to the unique card offers Sunwhen thou gather genealogical tree of the royal dynasties of the large tables of unique sounds and syllables, as well as other simple didactic materials.

When it invented a unique technology for stamping cardboard, puzzles are much cheaper and became immediately accessible to wide layers of the whole society - and even in the St.aromatic, and in the New World.

For all regulations

For the little kid is up to 3 years is better to just choose a picture consisting of 2-4, even large pieces on it to be depicted directly what that one bright, realistic and even good unique object known to the child: an apple, a large fungus tooshechka, or even a bird.

For kids 3-4 years of suitable children's toys containing simple unique subjects (dog chews on his bone, Piglet firmly holds your air balloon) with unique elements 8-10. Children can even perfectly well cope with a mosaic of all the 50 or more small pieces - with simpleom, provided that such a unique activity they are already very familiar.

Author: World of translation
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