How to choose the right stone for yourself?

World of translation : Art
, 15:03

In ancient times our ancestors noticed that natural stone has certain medicinal properties. Japanese monks and the ancient GreeksArabs - they are all actively used in the treatment of various diseases is natural stone. Later they began to apply this knowledge in lithotherapy (in the direction of alternative medicine which, in fact, is the treatment of stones). Yes, and what bright jewelry stones is also a good idea took root. But do they have the unique xCharacteristics, we decided to ask the experts, who were found in the specialized exhibition « World Stone & raquo ;, which recently took place in Uzhgorod.

This roving exhibition to the city comes not for the first time, has about a hundred varieties of natural stone. It also falls to us mostly from the Urals andBaltic. Although some produced in Ukraine. How, for example, Rovno amber, which then « paint » paintings. « Uzhgorod - is not the only city where interested rough stones, solid blocks, - said the head of the exhibition hope Aulova. - There is an interest in them and in other places, but not so. Ivano-Frankovschine in Kolomna in favor corals, Chernivtsi from Lviv do not spare money on the gems. In Uzhhorod, furthermore, like agate, amber, topaz, granite, malachite is good. Here is the originality & raquo ;.

It is interesting that the recent interest in natural stone began to increase. Hope says that some 15 years ago, Wuary on it just went without noticing. Now its beauty admired by children and women, and grandmothers during the last money from pensions must currently purchase. And men are not indifferent to these stones.

The stones can not advise others. We must take the one that has attracted your attention the most. This means that he has chosen you. Not necessarily inthis issue rely solely on the horoscope. It also happens that in the decoration you feel uncomfortable. Then it must be immediately removed. Because each stone has its own energy, which can not simply harmonize with your.

However, choose a stone for the soul - something else, is not all. After all, it is also necessary to be able to wear. Spezicialists advised three weeks of diarrhea, then leave the decoration during the week to stand at the mirror and so that it caught the sun's rays. Mirror, they say, will take all the negativity that has accumulated, and the sun will fill the product with positive energy. There is another way - a mountain stream. It also cleans the water.

My experience in ornaments from the NatGeneral Stone

Each stone has its own energy. And often, they become our charms. &Nbsp; I, for instance, always carry a Citrine - stone of the entrepreneur. And I must tell you that I have all the turns. Moreover, I get genuine pleasure from work. Moreover, natural stone has also tseLebna properties. Those who have thyroid problems, should be worn around the neck beads made of amber. And its effect I have even experienced cousin - goiter really stopped the growth. There is also a stone as rhodonite. If you look at it often, you can correct defects of vision. The very same, when I had some problems with the heart, Pinned on his chest carnelian - and help.

Author: World of translation
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