Pushkin: Eugene Onegin.

World of translation : Literature
, 21:40

Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

His novel Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich PushkinEugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote during the eight years. In his brilliant novel Pushkin depicts the era of Russian nobility of the beginning of XIX century, in which affected the moral and social problems of society. Title of the novel makes it clear that the central, main topic became searchings of the Russian intellectuals.

Disclosure of this topic, we see on the image of the hero of the novel - Eugene Onegin. So, wherever he was, his companion was melancholy. In the first chapter we become unwitting listeners of Eugene Onegin's monologue, from which we learn about his upbringing. Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin Eugene Onegin, like his peers received education at home, for that were invited tutors from abroad. French tutor educated and taught Onegin, tutor regretted his pupil, did not strongly bothered him with knowledge. But do not assume Eugene poorly educated man, as he in the future enlarged his knowledge, not many of his peers were as smart as our hero. Eugene Onegin perfectly knew the French language, Latin, loved ancient literature and reading books on economics of Adam Smith, knew the history from Romulus to his days. Eugene also perfectly mastered knowledge which were highly valued in society, namely: naturally bow, dance the mazurka, to be gloomy and morose.
Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich PushkinHis life did not give him a rest: balls, theaters, walking along the Neva. Each new day began, like the previous one. Onegin tired of this life, he was tired of all: society, friends, charming beauties. He got fed up such life, his soul was dead, and the feelings in him have cooled down early. Eugene tired of this life. He left the company, I want to point out that not everyone can so easily do this. By the will of fate he had a need to travel to the village. Eugene inherited a manor. Here he enjoyed life for a few days, but melancholy has overcome him there.

Onegin meets with Lensky. Vladimir Lensky introduces his friend with Larin family. Eugene liked Tatiana, he felt the richness of her Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkininner world and spiritual balance. Tatiana writes a letter in which she confess Eugene Onegin her love. And what Onegin? Eugene understood the feelings of a young girl, he says that he treats her very nobly, not accepting her pure and sincere love. At this moment he is not ready for love, as riotous living in a secular society devastated his soul. Eugene Onegin got fed up with attention and love of young beautiful women. Onegin honestly admits the young girl that he is not ready to family happiness. Freedom and peace are currently above all for him.
Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich PushkinIndeed, at this time, i think Eugene Onegin can not love, because the value and meaning of love has lost the true meaning for him. After the murder of Lensky in a duel, Onegin going away to travel across Russia. Several years passed, Eugene again came to St. Petersburg. At the ball he meets Tatiana and doesn't recognize her. He sees how she has changed. Eugene feels that his soul is awakened from a long slumber, he can love again.

Right now, I think, Eugene Onegin is capable of deep feelings, such as love. He loves, he is experiencing. He writes letters to Tatiana, but get no answers. At the meeting Tatiana tells Onegin, Eugene Onegin, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkinthat she still loves him, but is tied by marriage. Husband believes her, is proud of her. Tatiana says Eugene Onegin, that sense of duty is above senses of love for her.

These two meetings, as the mirror image of events, only the heroes are reversed. At such a difficult moment for the hero of the novel Eugene Onegin, Pushkin leaves him alone.

Final novel is opened.

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    Frank - 21.11.2012, 08:21
    Good assay. It realy opens this topic.
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    Keap - 22.11.2012, 23:37
    Onegin is one of the greatest Pushkin's poems.
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    mia - 14.12.2012, 09:37
    Appreciate your post
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    Fleernenagree - 5.01.2013, 01:54
    Hello. And Bye.