Implies that under a maintenance conditioner


A man who lives in a mustacheditions of the modern city, is too dependent on various kinds of comfort. One of these is acceptable indoor climate, where the person, or more simply - for normal perception of temperature and humidity. This is especially felt hot, sultry summer, when it's impossible to breathe, and even more so in the roomOh, after the sun warm up the wall. An excellent way out of this situation is the use of compact residential air conditioners.

The best way to create the required indoor climate is hard to find. However, the air conditioner - it's still a technical device that needs regular thosenical inspection and maintenance. Based on this efficiency and durability of the equipment, since all the components of the unit and supplies have their life and property to fail, and so clogged. N. By the way, the company offers professional technical « Academy Climate & raquo ;. The standard range of servicesservices and, of course, includes the following:

  • technical diagnostics;
  • dismantling and cleaning the air filter on the indoor unit;
  • cleaning heat exchangers internal and external air conditioning units;
  • disinfection of the indoor unit;
  • testing of all systems conditioner (indoor unit, the pressure in the system, drainage system).

In addition to these basic operations, in the case where the client wishes, we can carry out further work withKnitted support in good technical condition of the circulation of refrigerant (check for leaks, and their removal dozalivka refrigerant).

Author: World of translation
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