
World of translation : Nature
, 11:39

apricot fruit

Apricot - is a delicious, beautiful, useful fruit, spread around the world from Eastern countries. Tian Shan is it home. dried apricots
People eat crude apricot fruit and dried apricot. People cook delicious jams, juices, compotes from it. Also eat  apricot kernels.
apricot fruit Fruits are rich in carotene, this proves their orange color. By the way, much more carotene is in the dried fruits. Carotene is known for its healing properties at cardiovascular disease, it is necessary for good vision, boosts immunity and potency.
There is much potassium in apricots (dried apricots contain more apricotpotassium than raw fruits). There are many magnesium and phosphorus in these delicious fruits. These elements contribute to the activation of the brain, improve memory.
Apricot juice with pulp advise at putrefactive intestinal processes, it has antibacterial properties. A bright orange color of the juice increases vitality and calms the nerves. apricotsThe following remedy with using of dried apricots is a very good way to raise the immunity and improve the tone. Take the dried apricots, lemon, walnuts, grapes or raisins. All the products are mixed in equal parts with honey. This "vivifying mixture" is used every morning on an empty stomach for 1-2 teaspoon.
apricot Kernels Kernels of apricots are sweet and bitter. Bitter are used instead of almond. Sweet are eaten in raw form, added to jams. It is important not to use a large number of kernels at once, otherwise they will be very harmful to the body.
Apricot kernels, in addition to a pleasant taste, will help girls and women to purify the face of "black spots", as well as clean the skin. In this case, the kernels perform the role of scrub. For its production you need to chop kernels, add any cream or shower gel and gently rub it in problematic areas of the face and body.
apricots Kernels Apricot kernels can also help with a strong sweating of the feet. To do this, chop the kernels (preferably in a coffee grinder), dilute with water to obtain gruel. Then the mixture is applied to the soles of the feet. After 15 minutes, feet are rinsed with cool water. This procedure should be carried out within a week.
Apricots can be used as products for improvement apricot treeof the complexion, supply a sensitive skin with vitamins and minerals, just overlaying apricot with pulp on your face and neck area.
Apricots grow on trees, which have a height of about 5 -7 meters. But sometimes there are 15-meter giants. The tree blooms in late March - early April, and the fruits become ripe by the end of July - August (in temperate regions). Weight of ripe apricots is from 3 to 15 grams.
When planting apricot tree, it is important to remember that the apricot is a plant that loves heat and light.
apricot tree blossomsYour future tree must be planted on higher ground (so the cold air does not accumulates), away from the shadow, place should be well scavenged, so do not put it next to the house and buildings (at least three meters). When planting apricot must step back about three or four meters from other trees apricot(depending on the type of apricot), due to the fact that the apricot's root system becomes twice as much of its own crone.
The best time to plant an apricot - is the middle - the end of April, when the risk of frosts disappears. At the same time, planting should take place before the awakening of buds (there is a risk that the plant does not take root).
apricot seedlingsIts better to take a two-year tree, which has clearly visible 2-4 main roots and two or three branches. During the carriage of seedling to the land plot avoid the drying of the roots. Upon arrival to the landing place its recommend to put the tree in a bucket with water. So the roots will come alive, and this will much increase a chance of the plant's rooting. The roots of the trees should be freely fit in the hole. Its bottom should filled by twigs and humus, mixed with earth. Apricot tree should be planted on a small hill, so when ramming the earth, the tree does not "go" under the ground with its root collar. After planting a tree is abundantly watered by one bucket of water.
If the soil in your area is not rich in minerals, the apricot should definitely fertilized.
Frosts are devastating for the young trees. So after planting you should carefully monitor the temperature of the night air. You can save the tree from the frost and from death by smoke blanketing.

Author: World of translation
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