The most failing movies
The budgets of these films are comparable to the budgets of some African states, but instead enormous profits they brought a huge loss to their producers. Some of these movies have caused the bankruptcy of the largest film companies and destroyed careers of entire crew that worked on their creation.
Sahara Adventure film directed by Breck Eisner, filmed on the base of the same novel by Clive Cussler in 2005. Cash collections from showing of this mov ie brought the Paramount Pictures film company $ 60 million. And everything nothing, but the budget of "Sahara" exceeded 150 million. Stephanie Austin - producer of this movie instead of the expected profit, received loss of $ 90 million from film distribution.
Alexander Biographical drama about the life and death of the commander Alexander the Great. Oliver Stone shot it with a record of his career a budget of $ 150 million, but the picture is not paid for itself. The film received negative reviews from both the audience and the critics. Cash gathering in the United States have brought $ 34 million. For its loud failure movie owes exactly Oliver Stone, because he was here both a director, producer, and writer.
Basic Instinct 2 Sequel of the legendary film of 1992 was so unsuccessful that it was removed from film distribution generally after the first two weeks of showing. With its considerable budget of $ 70 million, the picture collected around the world at least 30 million. This unexpected failure became a severe blow to the MGM film company.
A Sound of Thunder
Fantastic drama from director Peter Hayams in 2005, filmed on the base of the same story of the science fiction writer Ray Bradbury. Franchise Pictures contributed $ 80 million to the shooting, as it turned out - in vain. Cash gathering of this movie brought only 10 million.
Catwoman US-Australian fantasy thriller manufacturing by Warner Bros film company. The film was released in July 19, 2004. Critics have met this movie quite negative. Work of director and cast members were considered the worst, so the movie has failed in film distribution. Worldwide charges brought the amount of $ 80 million, and this is with a budget of over 100 million.
The Invasion Scary movie from the famous German director Oliver Hirschbiegel, which premiered in the United States on 17 August 2007. This sci-fi thriller became not only the most commercially unsuccessful project of «Warner Brothers», but also deserved sharply negative assessment of film critics. Producer Joel Silver has put $ 80 million in this movie, but he was able to earn only the half, and did not cover the costs.
The 13th Warrior Walt Disney Pictures presented to the audience this adventure thriller in 1999. John McTiernan filmed on the base of the famous novel by Michael Crichton "Eaters of the Dead." With a budget of more then $ 85 millions and $ 70 millions spent on advertising, the film earned $ 60 million. Such financial results can be considered a complete cash failure.
Heaven's Gate Western completely undermined the reputation of director Michael Cimino, because before it was considered one of the best directors in Hollywood. His previous work, "The Deer Hunter" had a huge success and has received numerous awards, including five Oscars. After the failure of the movie "Gate of Heaven" United Artists film company was forced to close due to bankruptcy.
One from the HeartThis musical aims to be the most failed project in the history of world cinema. With its 30- million budget, it was able to earn in film distribution only 600 thousand dollars. Film directed by Francis Ford Coppola has turned out so unsuccessful, that it was removed from the film distribution gently after the first week of the showing. American film critic Roger Ebert called this movie the biggest disappointment of the last 10 years.
Motherhood To date, the title of the the most unprofitable film in cinema history proudly wears a comedy drama "Motherhood" with Uma Thurman in the lead role, directed by Katherine Dieckmann . At the premiere of the movie was sold just one ticket. In its home country - UK cash gathering brought less than $ 100. Are you impressed? In the U.S., the movie earned less than 100,000. The budget of this "Masterpiece" was $ 7 000 000.
Video: "The best films 2012"