What is the effectiveness of the implementation of CRM Bitrix enterprise?

World of translation : Cinema
, 01:29

Today we talk about the effectiveness of the implementation of CRM in the field of Bitrix packment of information and communication component of large corporations.

At the moment, about 50 thousand enterprises of our country enjoys a number of advantages, which provides a modern enterprise portal based on 1C Bitrix. In addition to all kinds of facilities in the form of process optimization Postswithin companies and workspace collective 1C Bitrix offers a very flexible and convenient system for the management and control of the relationship between employees and customers. Such a system is called CRM. The main tasks that it performs, and records related to potential and repeat customers / buyers. EffectivenessCRM implementation manifested in the fact that each of the employees in the company's top managers can hassle to analyze the dynamics of current sales, taking advantage of access to an extensive catalog of various goods and services.

Also provided Bitrix CRM implementation within the enterprise it is possible to auto-tion of the conversion of leads into actual buyers and completed transactions that take place between customers and managers. The widest range of opportunities associated with the contracts, transactions and management of partnerships, is another facet of the undisputed effectiveness of Bitrix.

What is a lead? In this context, the term implies the interest of the buyer to the goods or services provided by the company. In general, the lead is potentially interested customers, who left the company about themselves any information.

A number of specific rules and regulations pre-Lead from adequate promotion within the CRM Bitrix mandatory. At the forefront in this case it is necessary postulate as follows: « Lead is received, then it is sure to be processed & raquo ;. Lead processing staff organizations should, making a series of targeted measures, whether the call is a potential pokuPatel, leaving the client's office to discuss various business proposals, invitations to seminars and workshops, organizing webinars, sending the price lists, and so on. n. Once an employee converts lead into real contact, the client allegedly prepared to commit to buying and acquisitions.

Author: World of translation
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