The political crisis in Ukraine

World of translation : Politics, Law
, 07:07

The last six months, in the news all over the world, probably the most mentioned phrase is"Ukrainian crisis." Since November 2013, the then government actions (failure at the last moment, the intentions to sign an association with the European Union) gradually led to mass shootings at the Maidan in Kiev, the change of power in the country, separatist unrest in the east and south. As a consequence, including by promoting aggressively usMAKING Russia: -

  • annexation of the Crimea;
  • actually (at the end of August - beginning of September) full-scale overt military action in eastern Ukraine.

All of these factors, one way or another, affect ultimately the economic situation incountry. And, just, economic turmoil, somehow go by the wayside on the background of a real military threat. Although, all the links of one chain: in the east of the country are located powerful production and raw material base (mining, metallurgy, mining complexes, defense companies, thermal power plants), which is systematically destroying theis due to the hostilities and the restoration of which will require enormous resources and time. Besides obviously complicate relations between the two countries (Russia and Ukraine) with mutual threats, sanctions outlined in various areas. The situation is quite serious and threatens rather critical consequences for both sides of the conflictsthat, since in the regional and global scale (in modern conditions the economy of any country is not a separate body). It is hoped the leaders of common sense, not only in Ukraine and Russia, as the conflict has long evolved from a regional to the global plane. By the way on the site you can read what Lukashenko, Hazarbaev Putin Poroshenko want to talk to.

Author: World of translation
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