Types of hernias of the spine

World of translation : Medicine
, 00:12

Herniated Disc - one of the most difficult diseasesspine and nervous system, which is accompanied by deformation of the intervertebral disc displacement beyond its normal position and possible rupture of the fibrous ring. The main danger of this disease lies in the fact that the rupture of the fibrous ring nucleus pulposus bulges (prolapse) or follows (sequestration) in the spinal kacash, compressing the nerve root. can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. Manifestations of hernia or location:

  • herniation of the lumbar (up to 65% of all cases. They are characterized by low back pain, numbness and impaired reflex sensitivity lowerlimbs);
  • hernia thoracic (up to 31% of cases. Accompanied by persistent chest pain, curvature of the spine);
  • herniation of the cervical (up to 4% of cases. Causes of pain in the neck, shoulders and arms, headache, dizziness).

2. Direction bulging disc:

  • anterolateral;
  • posterolateral.

3. Size drop-down section:

  • protrusion (1-3 mm);
  • prolapse (3-6 mm);
  • formed hernia (6-15 mm).

It is enough to accurately diagnose a hernia by using the MRI. This method gives almost complete diagnostic information about the status of the affected spine. Based on the results of the study is decided further treatment.

The treatment of intervertebral hernia

only two options - conservative or operative. Conservative therapy is preferred and is used in most cases.

Konservatyvnye methods:

  1. drug therapy (non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, B vitamins (B1, B6, B12), novocaine blockade);
  2. manual therapy (massage or neck with a herniated disc to do with   extreme caution.);
  3. postisometric relaxation (PIR);
  4. iglorefleksoterapiya;
  5. girudoterapiya (use of medicinal leeches);
  6. cryotherapy:
  7. laser therapy;
  8. magnetic therapy;
  9. electrical and   phonophoresis;
  10. elektromiostimulyatsiya;
  11. ultrasound;
  12. diadynamic currents;
  13. physiotherapy;
  14. spinal traction (traction);
  15. aids (cervical collar or lumbar bansales).

Surgery is used only as a last resort, according to testimony, when pain persists and develops persistent neurological symptoms.

Complex therapy aimed at reducing the pain, the removal of the inflammatory process. In addition medikamentoztherapy used in parallel movement, manual and physical therapy.

In addition to these methods, recently used prosthetics and replacement of damaged discs.

Author: World of translation
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