Features LeaderTask

World of translation : Computers
, 10:20

LeaderTask - is program- organizer, developed and undermaintain the company "Organizer LiderTask" from Russia. The program includes an extensive set of tools for effective organization of time and paperwork. He easily help to make a list of cases for a certain period, will enable to group and sort them with your standard categories, to develop clear structure to search for deloproizvodstva, set reminders, and so on. LeaderTask specialists have developed applications to work with popular platforms and brands, such as Android, iPad, iPhone. And the best indicator of quality are numerous positive.

Choosing LeaderTask, as the main application for time management, you are guaranteed to floorTeach:

  • effective planning tool cases with user-friendly interface, reminders, etc.;
  • the possibility of application to synchronize with mobile devices and keep everything at hand;
  • the opportunity to work in a team on a network;
  • calendar, tasks, projects and assignments;
  • calendar of meetings, conferences;
  • address book with all necessary contacts;
  • tech support and updates;
  • access to the encyclopedia nHandy tips;
  • fully autonomous mode (the ability to work without the Internet) and much more.

LeaderTask intergrirovan and supports several methods of effective time management, including GTD (D. Allen), Do It Tomorrow, Autofocus, technique Lubishchev, S.Kovi, Ya.Frank other.

Of course, as with any application at all the pros and there are some downsides:

  • no e-mail client;
  • subscription fee for use;
  • impossible to fully synchronize with services such asGoogle Contacts, MS Outlook, Evernote, One note;
  • the limited size of the database.
Author: World of translation
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