What features have stairs of granite

World of translation : Construction
, 14:30

If the steps to create the staircase you'll take a tile, then in this case you will have very carefully to choose it. Tiles should not be slippery, safe, and have very high wear resistance. In this case, a great option is the porcelain tiles. In this article we will tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of this building material, qualities which must have keramgranit and what we need to pay attention to when choosing.

Select keramgranit

the 1st thing you should pay attention are the shop where you buy the granite and its manufacturer. This directly affects the price as well as quality. If you need durable, reliable granite for treads, you can buy them in online store levels . There are a wide range of colors and shades, the porcelain is of high quality and the prices are quite reasonable.

in addition, it is necessary to pay attention also on the technical properties of the material. As for the steps you need to apply ceramogranit with the roughness, since this, in turn, reduces slipping when walking and makes the stairs safer. The very same non-slip effect is achieved by embossed prints, patterns, and different bumps.

the Main advantages keramgranit

Stairs of granite are a huge number of advantages, which allow them to operate without frequent repair and replacement coverage for a long time and that is:

  • Sustainability. Due to the fact that granite is made from such natural materials as quartz, sand, and clay we can consider it 100% environmentally sound and safe construction; If the installation inside the house, it does not emit absolutely no harmful substances and therefore not harmful to people;
  • Huge range of textures, shades, and colors. You can even create the perfect imitation of wooden steps;
  • Due to the absence of voids in its structure, granite is high water resistance;
  • the material is high resistance to temperature changes;
  • Keramgranit deform in consequence of the blows;
  • Resistance to chemical. substances. Cleaning porcelain tiles you can use any one you want to household chemicals.

the Main cons keramgranit:

  • Keramgranit very cold, and its insulation is not possible;
  • Keramgranit can slide, in the case of mismatched roughness;
  • High price.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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