All credit history

World of translation : Economy
, 08:17

Every borrower who has a loan, also has a long or short credit istoriyu. Such credit history can significantly affect the next loan, but rather the decision on such a loan right. If your credit history is bad enough, it can cause denial of credit, the borrower must therefore any responsible attitude towards the loan and pay it on time.

Why Credithistory

Access to personal business loan given by the bank when you are applying for an elementary in the bank or online bank. To evaluate the potential borrower all financial institutions, a special scale. Loan without prostrochek, advance payments, without penalty is a sign of an ideal loancrate and this may be desirable for any bank. That is, you do not dreamed, if prepay the loan, then it will reduce the assessment of the borrower, since the bank is not profitable, it loses its interest. The above violations rather negatively affect the overall credit history, so to violate these basic rules is not necessary. But it is worth rememberingThat one delay system skips and does not fit into the story. So remember that is difficult to obtain.

How to fix credit history

It will be sufficient elementary rehabilitated in the eyes of the bank and prove his innocence. And it means to present facts that can not be disputed, because hit brought documented. For example, the repayment period you were in the hospital, and you have a certificate, it must be presented.

Prove that now you are able to repay their loans. To do this, you can take a new loan, it may seem silly, but if it is small and you pay it on time, then the creditHistory of changes.

Author: World of translation
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