Chernivtsi children to take part in city competition of creative works "If I was a mayor"

creative works will be required to disclose future vision of the city, local government, strengthen its institutional, legal, social, economic and informational basis. The main objectives of the competition are: ? creative development, etc.itsiatyvy youth, active life, readiness to participate in social and cultural life of the country; ? study participants role, importance and place of local government in public life and society, fostering a sense of the owner; ? Increase participation of students in matters of local government; ? the formation of democraticx, European values, understanding of human rights, high social, cultural, educational standards; ? promote initiatives and patriotic attitude of young people to his hometown liability for its present and future. The competition is held among students and pupils of 2-11 grades of secondary school education ands Chernivtsi institutions in three age categories: I category - to 9 years; II category - from 10 to 12 years (inclusive); III category - from 13 to 16 years (inclusive). Criteria for evaluating the work: • creative approach to coverage of topics completeness of the disclosure; • literacy and speech riches, the use of additional materials; • Optional solvingproblems of local government; • cleanliness of work. To participate in the competition and hard work in written form no more than two or three (without pictures, applications, etc) pages. To participate in the competition applied for, which states: • information about the author (name, surname, class, age author);• home address, contact phone number; • full name of the institution; • information manager (if available). Creative works submitted to the Department of Education Chernivtsi City Council by 17 June 2015. 9 The jury will determine the winners (3 winners in various age groups). Competition Winners are awarded with diplomas managerialof Education, thanked the mayor of Chernivtsi and promotional gifts. Organizers of the Department of Education is Chernivtsi Chernivtsi City Council and Mayor. This was reported in the Chernivtsi City Council
