Vinnichchina deepen cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic (+ photos)

Possible directions of this cooperation on June 11 during an official meeting discussed the head of the regional state administration Valery Cow, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Ukraine Ulukbek Chinaliyev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Kyrgyzstankiy Republic Nikolai Doroshenko, as well as representatives of some enterprises of Vinnitsa region. Welcoming the guests at Podolsk land, head of the region noted that the region is the increased attention, then briefed the diplomats about the economic potential of Vinnitsa region. "After the collapse of the Soviet Union was in a very difficult decade. In fact all the promyslovist, which was at the time, was a difficult path to its new development. But step by step, especially with the 2000s, the region began to rise, and we say that, according to statistics, Vinnytsia region is now the leader in terms of industrial and agricultural production ", - said Valeriy cow. Head oblderzhAdministration stressed that the region is now seriously engaged in restoration of its industrial capacity, and for the last 3 years only in Vinnytsia industrial output increased by half. "We believe that the basis of such centers as Vinnytsia, should be still industry. Because one jobindustry creates around himself an average 5 jobs in other activities ", - the head of Vinnitsa region. So said that over the past few years in the regional center built Milk "Roshen" confectionery factory and a new, powerful upgrades was also Vinnytsya Oil and Fat Combine, which is eksportoutvoryuyuchim now in the region. According to Valery Koroviya, the enterprises of the region tends to reduce exports to Russia and rising export opportunities to the EU. Also signed between Ukraine and the EU Association Agreement will soon give the opportunity to work in other specified in this Agreement, conditions. Given the same economic relations of Ukraine and the Kyrgyz Republic, Regional State Administration Chairman expressed his conviction that the issue of further development of cooperation work, of course, is something else. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Ukraine Ulukbek Chinaliyev, in turn, briefed the participants on the trends Economicsohmic development of Kyrgyzstan, noting that in May the leadership of the Kyrgyz Republic signed a document on entry to the state of the Eurasian Economic Union. "We enter the market prospects of the Eurasian Economic Union. It is approximately 180 m. Inhabitants. And in this regard we are actively looking partnership. SeesMo, in Ukraine for us as a country is considerable potential to find mutual interests in the development of Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. In these areas we would like to have with you a close and effective contacts "- said Ulukbek Chinaliyev. According to the diplomat, in recent years the trade turnover between Ukraine and the Kyrgyz Respublikikoyu noticeably increased and the structure is about 90% of imports from Ukraine. Informuvavshy the economic potential of Kyrgyzstan and interesting directions for cooperation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic to Ukraine expressed interest in the possibility of creating joint ventures or opening branches already operating on the territory of Ukraine,and in Kyrgyzstan. Ulukbek Chinaliyev also shared his impressions from the visit Vinnitsa National Medical University, noting that during the meeting with the university and discussed the possible presence of young Kyrgyz Republic in this institution. The specific intentions on cooperation also voiced Extraordinary tand Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Kyrgyzstan Nikolai Doroshenko. The diplomat, in particular, informed the creation of the Vinnytsia Oblast organization "Ukraine - Kyrgyzstan", which will serve as a kind of conductor between Vinnytsya and the Kyrgyz Republic in matters of cooperation. And proposed to consider the possibility of signing an agreement on co operationTVO between Vinnitsa region and one of the southern regions of Kyrgyzstan. Moreover, according to Mykola Doroshenko, now discussed the possibility of opening in Vinnitsa Honorary Consulate of the Kyrgyz Republic, which would have served the residents of Vinnytsia, Khmelnytsky, Chernivtsi and Zhytomyr regions. His proposals for chivpratsi voiced by diplomats and representatives of some companies in the region. And after the participants, in good tradition, exchanged gifts. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
