Ternopil: Lanovechchyni on more than a thousand residents said goodbye with Basil Hero Borisevich
More than a thousand residents Lanovechchyny and Zbarazhchyny agreed in the village of Mala Snigurivka Lanivtsi area to conduct the funeral countryman - Hero Basil Borisevich. He died January 20, 2015 at 31 checkpoints in the Luhansk region, the funeral took place on April 24,i. Worship sent managing Ternopil diocese UOC-KP Vysokopreosvyaschenniyshyy Archbishop Nestor together with visimnadtsyatoma priests. Basil Borisevich villagers remembered as a good father of two adult children, caring man. "He was a good-natured fun man, kind master, loved it all - says odnoselchanka.- There, in the area of ??ATO, at 31 he was the oldest checkpoint and treated fellow fatherly. Often talked about them on the phone, especially the five that with Lanovechchyny. On birthday, January 4, we call him directly from the church choir performed all "Many Years", sung troparion, wished health and quick return. Who knew that already20th he will die ... not believe. The latter hoped to be alive. " Heroes do not die! They will live forever in the history of the earth, which fell in the memory of the people who fought for freedom in the hearts of people who remain live for the future. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/