One million square meters of housing in Chernihiv serves KP "Novozavodskiy" About

of CSE "Novozavodskiy" Chernihiv City Council in 2014 said at the expanded meeting his head Boris Murach The activities of public utility "Novozavodskiy" aims to provide its clients with the operation, technicallyservicing, repair and improvement of housing stock. Residential buildings that stand on the balance sheet located in the downtown, neighborhoods stay Gradetsky, Victory Square, 50 years of the Komsomol, the streets of Tolstoy, textile and Stakhanovist. Their number includes 636 units area of ??more than 1 million square meters,located in an area of ??176 hectares. In its 411 buildings in general - and one low-rise buildings, 215 - from 5 to 9 storeys, 10 storeys high buildings. HOUSING CHARACTERISTICS Lifetime majority of the housing stock is over 40 years, 15% of homes - 30. In recent times the entstvu transferred in full economic management 9 buildings, including last year 5 houses at st. Mahistratska, 19th, Popova, 31 would Popudrenko, 19 and other age main part of the fund determines the degree of improvement of housing, all amenities provided only 65% ??of dwellings, 262 houses have no full accomplishment. In halfhouses and roofs end of life, about 80 percent water and heat networks, electricity and gas supply operated in excess of the prescribed period almost 1.5-2 times. The list of high consideration must include operation 192's elevators. Because more than 60 percent of them worked more than 25 years,necessitates additional efforts and resources to support the safety of operation. As part of improving operational status elevators repaired 16 elevators, the amount of expenses was 93 thousand. UAH In addition, of the 10 houses high-rise buildings, in 8 should renew the performance of smoke and fire thatrequires significant investment of funds. A large part of the building of low-rise building heating is carried out by gas heating stoves in the number of units in 1290, of which nearly a third operated without automatic safety. STRUCTURE AND ENTERPRISE STAFF An important condition for preservation of existing housing stock is primarily to ensure that itssnoyi operation and timely repairs. In service residential development by three stations operating housing and emergency transport service. Number of employees is 250, of which 190 - workers. It should be noted that the emergency transport service company, except atbsluhovuvannya directly to their homes, provides utility "ZHRED - 13" and 40 institutions and organizations of the city. Last year in the life-support systems of buildings was eliminated more than 4 thousand injuries and accidents, which is 18 percent higher than the previous period MATERIAL WITHABEZPECHENNYA Subdivisions company to perform production tasks have the necessary special equipment, modern handheld power tools. Also available tractors, including specialized, which enables the company to provide housing operation, emergency response, thedoing repairs, and keep clean residential neighborhoods in any season. Current repair and overhaul Enterprise collective priority in their work sees development budget allocations for capital and maintenance of housing, the program of modernization of elevators and reconstruction of roofs, blahoustswarm and improve the environment surrounding areas. Financing plans in 2014 amount of expenditures for capital repairs amounted to nearly 1.8 million. USD .. Within these funds have been repaired roofs 8 homes at: Avenue. 12 st. Schorsa, 51, str. Shevchuk, 4 and so on. totaling 790 thousand. UAH.. Completed work on the repair of installations in more than 60 homes, the amount of costs which amounted to 472 thousand. UAH. In implementing energy saving measures restored pipe insulation in 29 homes in the amount of 222 thousand. UAH., Made insulation and overhaul of 5 apartments on 65 thousand. UAH .. As part of the programWe were upgraded 11 elevators in the amount of 673 thousand. USD. In addition, the city budget were made significant amount of work on the improvement of adjacent territories. Major overhaul on 12 sites repaired 3.5 thousand. M2 asphalt covering intra passages in the amount of 785 thousand. UAH., The current -more 4 thousand. M2in the amount of 857 thousand. USD. In the local area 7 installed playgrounds at the address. Schorsa, 51, Mira, 16, str. Zhabinskii, 3 and others. Thanks to a dedicated emergency funds removed 85 trees and dead wood that carried the threat to life and property of citizens, creating head-wind zone in the operation of gas appliances.Expenses totaled 99 thousand. UAH .. Continued work on the challenge of permanent use of land, which are multi-storey residential buildings; that are owned. Developed land 20 projects with a total value of 99 thousand. UAH .. To improve the environment surrounding territories were now ComeBano 54 containers for the collection of solid waste in the amount of 90 thousand. UAH., also mastered the 5 th. USD. 625 for recycling fluorescent lamps. As part of the budget appropriation was made a significant amount of work to repair the current housing stock, ready for its operation during the heating season. The amount of funding amounted to 2.1 million. USD .. In the limitThese assignments's individual sections of the roof repaired 126 homes (the amount of costs 358 thousand. UAH.) were replaced stormwater pipelines in the amount of 19.6 thousand. UAH .. Also with equity participation of 60 residents repaired porches, repaired almost 1 thousand. MP joints of wall panels. Expenses totaled 882 thousand. UAH. Prydilyalas attention and repair equipment children's play and sports grounds, yard equipment and other household purposes Improvements. Repaired 72 units. equipment, fences, small architectural forms. The total amount for this type of work was 18 thousand. UAH .. "The main goal of the work of repairs we saw the feOtovci housing for the heating season. This, in addition to repairing roofs, as the repair and replacement of entrance doors, glass windows restoration, repair paved, closing produhi and windows in the attic, installing canopies over the entrance. The costs of these jobs were 180 thousand. UAH .. I can confidently say that the invested funds and colleaguesatsya with district heating companies helped to end the heating season without major disruptions and failures, provide people with all kinds of services, "- said B. Murach. CLEANING AREAS One indicator of the company is quality house cleaning, house areas and the state of their accomplishment. The enterprise carried Mr.rybyrannya almost 120 thousand sq. m. m. stairwells and local area, which is over 41 hectares, including 130 thousand. m2 of green areas and 280 thousand m2 unpaved intra-quarterly driveways and walkways. In the area there are 37 serviced sites for the collection of solid waste. Last year Mr.idpryyemstvom taken almost 7 thousand. cubic debris. Unfortunately, this figure from year to year and in the intervening period relative to the previous increased by 8 percent. A significant amount of work performed to bring the basements of apartment buildings to a state that allows using them as temporary shelter for the population. With nearly 250 tonsakyh premises fully cleared 235. Work in this direction continues. Work with residents One form of housing services to consumers last year was the meeting at the residence of the inhabitants of residential buildings to discuss the problems of housing and communal services, prospects of creating condominiumsapartment buildings. The main issues that residents soared to such meetings concerning repair roofs and porches, and increasing improvement of adjacent territories, asphalt pavement restoration, demolition and tree lighting districts. As a result of nearly 50 interviews of more than 120 residents of proposalsikrorayoniv as reflected in works that are made in the past year and plans for the current year. Areas for future work ENTERPRISES According to the manager, the company continued its work sees, especially in the implementation of cost effective tariffs for housing services. Enterprise calculations of justificationconvertible rates and in the manner prescribed by the legislation submitted for consideration and approval. Will continue to work with economical use of energy resources company, and above all, the question of payment of electricity consumed Residential buildings - the former dormitories. The problem - the lack of a separate account oferhiyi in every room, through which the company incurs losses, fully paying the cost of electricity used by the residents of these homes. But for the reconstruction of the electricity of standard 5-storey hostel (for example - hostel in Schorsa, 68) of construction pokimnatnoho Consumed energy neobhidna amount of money is more than 1.2 mln. USD. According to B. Muracha completely different approach to the organization needs to claim work with repayment residents for services. The peculiarity of this work is to assist consumers in time to execute documents to comply with the state aid to pay Ms.'s light utility services provided in the form of housing subsidies. Equally important work to be done this year with the introduction of local and state programs in the housing stock in terms of budget allocations. Suffice it to say that the plans of capital and current repairs, modernization of elevators, landscaping surrounding itrhetoricians significant other directions provided to learn nearly 6 million. UAH. "The outcome of this work should be, above all, timely preparation of housing for the next heating period 2015-2016 years" - B. Murach. Information from ME "Novozavodskiy"
