In Ternopil in secondary school № 24 The day of civil defense Civil defense of Ukraine

– a state system of management capabilities to organize and protect the population from the effects of man-made emergencies, economic, natural and military nature. Particularly relevant question tsyvilnohof protection is in our turbulent times. At the Ternopil region located about a large number of ’ objects that are potentially hazardous in case of accidents. In order to address the issues of prevention and elimination of possible outcomes in secondary school № 24 m. Ternopil The day of the Civil Protection. His organization, in addition to administrationinstitution, active participation of workers in management DSNS Ukraine Ternopil region, experts the Training Center of Civil Protection and Life Safety and representatives of the city Department of Education. The event was attended all members of the school community from pershachka to the principal. To this day, all students Crucifixionochavsya lesson civil protection. And then the organizers have trained emergency evacuation of all members of the educational process, and then to students, school staff and guests demonstrated their professional skills rescue – Representatives of the 1 st and 2 nd State Fire and Rescue parts DSNS Office in Ukraine Ternopilskiy area. On this day among schoolchildren held a variety of themed contests and competitions. The youngest, took part in the competition for the best playground safety of life on « safe for kids lifestyle & raquo ;, n ’ yatyklasnyky who competed better stinnivka and pictures on protection of people in emergency situations.Students middle classes took part in the game - Racing « prevented rescue help & raquo ;. They demonstrated their ability to provide first aid to victims in emergency situations constituted algorithms responses to domestic electric fire, a fire in the room or in ’ ride home, presented in the homework youSee presentations that embody the security problems of city life, and showed the sequence of actions in case of radiation contamination, accidents involving leakage of hazardous substances chemically or gas explosion. Senior pupils also competed on the playground program « School Safety & raquo ;. School directors, in turn, discussed the Day of Civil Protection, shared experience and methodology of such measures to the subordinate institutions and summed up the demonstration day. &Laquo; About 75% of the time children spend in school. And where, if not here, they gain knowledge about safe life? &Ndash; said Deputy Chief teachtial and methodological center of civil protection and life safety in the Ternopil region Ruslan Hnatyak. &Ndash; After all, for the preservation of life and health ’ I children is extremely important in addition to general knowledge to teach them basic rules of behavior at home and on vacation! & Raquo ;.
