Prosecutors in court protects the interests of the CP "Lutskteplo"

Prosecutors Lutsk required to recover from two Kiev enterprises debt to utility companies " & quot ;. Lutskteplo Established between Lutsk utilities and PAT " Telesystems of Ukraine " Ltd. and " Ukrainian High Technologies " concluded dohovory to provide services. According to the agreement, " Lutskteplo " these companies provided maintenance services and maintenance of telecommunications equipment. Meanwhile, both the company eventually stopped fully pay for services rendered and municipal institutions owed the city more than 57 thousand. UAH. Therefore, to protect Economicsohmic interests of the state and municipal enterprises, which is of strategic importance for the city prosecutor's office forwarded to the Economic Court of Kyiv 3 writs demanding to recover all of the capital's businesses owed money. This was reported in the press service of the Prosecutor Volyn region
