In the Volyn region Kovel police detained apartment thief

previously convicted attacker "pohazyaynuvav" in the applicant's apartment over 13 thousand. In another part of Ukraine Kovel District Police asked 57-year-old local resident. The policeman told the woman: returning home, saw the castle door apartment of damageweighted. As a result, the applicant had not found a mobile phone, music player and jewelry. On suspicion of theft CID officers arrested 39-year resident of the city IPB. He policemen and seized stolen items. In the past, people have been brought to justice for ch. 2, Art. 289 (Illegal possessing vehicle) and ch. 1, Art. 393 (Escape from prison or custody) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Volynyanyn is a temporary holding Kovel Gorotdel police. Law enforcers launched criminal proceedings under Part. 3. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Felony for an attackerhrozhuye to six years in prison. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Volyn region
