The Khmelnytsky oblast

good start in order to promote and develop amateur art students, encouraging self-expression, aesthetic education in regions and cities Khmelnitsky region began large-scale event, the regional review-competition of amateur and secondary-school education. February 13, 2015 inKhmelnytsky district House of Culture held regional review-competition of amateur schools Khmelnitsky region. The event was held under the slogan "We - your children, Ukraine!". The event began with an exhibition of decorative - applied and fine arts, which showed 100 works. The exhibition was struck by its expositionth among 20 proposed techniques - were interesting paper decorations, burning, plastylinohrafiya, leather, etc. In the concert was attended by over 100 students were presented vocal, dance, instrumental, folk, literary - artistic genres. Overall, it was demonstrated 23 bright rooms. After the concertnoyi program jury indicated that the examination held at a high organizational level and highlighted the new achievements of pupils Khmelnitsky region. The information was
