In Ternopil easier to solve common problems together

April 3, deputy chief of the regional police department Oleg Liakhovich and leaders of Ternopil district department of internal affairs met with employees of the private company "Ternopil poultry farm" that in the village of Gai. With the challenges facing law enforcement officersWe area began meeting with employees of the company Oleg Liakhovich. He spoke about the changes taking place in the police department, informed of the opening of a number of high-profile crimes. Focused on the kinds of fraud, of which the most affected residents of the area, and gave advice on how to protect yourself from them. PROBLEMSma fraud very relevant. Some of the participants said they too fall into the trap of fraud, and all because of excessive credulity. Workers have addressed the deputy head of the regional police department many questions. In particular, wondered how Ternopil police deployed in the area ATO, what problems are faced. Oled Liakhovich thanked the leadership and employees of the Company for any support they gave to our soldiers repeatedly during a trip to the war zone. During the meeting participants discussed even on many different topics about working district inspector, public order on the territory of poultry, etc. Present domovylysya continue to hold such meetings. - I believe that only when communicating with people can better understand their problems and concerns, and more - is a unique opportunity to find out what people think of the police - said Oleg Liakhovich. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ternopil region
