Teachers are asked to choose the best books for students of the 4th and 7th grade

Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine decided to submit to choose from teachers all layouts textbooks for students in 4th and 7th grades. The selection of teachers for inclusive extended until 30 April 2015. The ministry said that the purpose of admission Artworkin textbooks to competitive selection is just the completion of the competition, saving his life and the main values ??– trust teachers and citizens. As you know, within three months, every citizen was able to monitor the progress of the competition and transparency to control the selection of new textbooks. However, despite this most democratic and modkrytist during the competition problem manifested itself as part of the expert opinions. &Laquo; Unfortunately, some expert opinions and were unfair and unprofessional; their authors have neglected their reputation. According to the key terms of the contest – openness to citizens – without exception scanned expert opinionsis freely available on the websites of MES and repositories, and each person can give them and their authors estimate & raquo ;, – noted in the Ministry of Education. Members of the Board of MES decided to apply to each teacher asking responsibly to the choice of the textbook. &Laquo; Dear teachers! We urge you, our major partner in the conduct wheremokratychnoho and open competition, most all responsibility for the selection of new textbooks. This should be solely and exclusively your opinion of your choice, because you and the children you teach, work in these textbooks. You have an opportunity without any external pressure to do so in order to pupils' desks were those books,that contribute to successful training and education of our children. We believe that you honestly and professionally fulfill this mission & raquo ;, – the statement says the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine to the teachers who participate in the competition of textbooks for the 4th and 7th grades. Remember that to use the service teachers need to open repositoryand move to « CONTEST tutorial & raquo ;. This section contains the necessary information and a video that shows you how to find and review proposed for the selection of textbooks. Told

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/