In Ternopil conducted 212 exercises and training on civil protection
1225 Holding an object of special exercises and training on civil protection scheduled for 2015. This was announced by Chief of the Office of Civil Protection measures DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region Igor Gresa at a special zasidAnnie Regional Commission on technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies. The meeting took place on March 26 under the leadership of Deputy Regional Governor Leonid Bytsyury. "In December 2014 in all areas of the region were drawn up and approved graphics Object special exercises and training on civil prostu 2015 - said Igor. - According to the charts as of 26.03.2015 conducted in 212 exercises (training) of the plan for the current period 253, which is 83.7% in March held 92 of 124 planned (72%). " According to Igor Ivanovich, site-specific education and training for civil Matystu is a form of practical training employees, including management staff and professionals involved in the organization and execution of Civil Protection, which defines a general willingness of enterprises, institutions and organizations to implement plans for emergency response, containment and elimination of Accidents on the islandb'yektah increased danger of civil protection in a particular period. Chairman of the Regional Commission on technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies, deputy head of the regional state administration Leonid Bytsyura instructed local executive authorities to ensure the participation of relevant experts in special exercises and Object Trngannyah for Civil Protection and Training Center of Civil Protection and Life Safety to provide methodological support for enterprises, institutions and organizations conducting site-specific education and training for civil protection. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State AdministrationSource: