In Vinnitsa region police arrested pornography distributor
March 26 in Bar local police officers arrested a man who on the street near the store was selling CDs of porn. As the chief of police department Barsky Paul Corn, 49-year resident of one of the villages of the district police detained around midnight. Near productivitytovoho shop in the center. Bar man offered to passers buy CDs illicit adult films. The cost of a disk 40 USD. During the arrest of the offender in a jacket pocket police seized three discs of porn. The detainee admitted that he downloaded from video sites on the Internet for sale, as other Zarobitku had. Investigation Department of the police opened criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Art. 301 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (production, sale and distribution of pornographic materials). For the offense provided a fine of one hundred to three hundred untaxed minimum incomes, or restraint of liberty for up to five years, or deprivationliberty for the same term with confiscation of video production, means of production and demonstration. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa regionSource: