In Ternopil pyrotechnics worked DSNS handling techniques explosive remnants

From 24 to 26 March in order to determine the degree of readiness to perform assigned tasks with experts of pyrotechnic works rescue special unit of the Department of Civil Service of Ukraine of Emergencies in Ternopilskiy region held a three-day training meeting. Such events occur annually in the spring, just when there is a kind of peak detection of various pieces of munitions of war. Within three days of pyrotechnics skills improve handling explosives and blasting agents, work out joint dies in the removal and disposal of explosive devices. They train hard, hone their professional skills as mistake made during practical clearance of explosive remnants can watch most expensive – human life. Fees are divided into theoretical and practical parts: two days to deepen the theoreticals knowledge of safety measures during blasting and day of at the landfill, to consolidate learned in practice. Pyrotechnics worked fire and electric blasting methods, explore areas for the presence of explosive devices, marking dangerous areas, demining organization continuous destruction of ammunitionistsi detection and first aid in injury during blasting. Forgotten techniques of handling explosive remnants them is unlikely, because every year in Ternopil recorded hundreds of cases of identification of obsolete munitions. Thus, only last year the men of pyrotechnic defuse region1196 units were pieces of munitions of war.
