Journalist Konstantin von E´´ert in Lviv explained why it is so difficult to let go of Ukraine Lviv School of Journalism

Ukrainian Catholic University visited the famous Russian journalist Konstantin von E´´ert. Lviv Moscow media experts teach students the art of the interview, talking about politics, and had to talk to Cityhead - Andrew Garden. This correspondent IA ZIK. Reflecting on why the attention of the Russian authorities and the media so intently focused on the events in Ukraine, Konstantin von E´´ert explained formulated in the context of Russian philosophy: &Laquo; All that happened during 2014 and continues now, floor ’ linked to the Russian identones, with how we see ourselves. The question of the collapse of the Soviet Union remains our principal. Because of the independence of the republics did not. For three hundred years the empire in its various forms has become the meaning of our lives. So full of pride in the strong and mighty empire, we Russians tend to think that all hold the brunt & raquo ;. Trying to be honest and about ’ objectively with students, explaining the Russian-Ukrainian relations, the Moscow journalist says that the conditions under which Russian society was formed last twenty years: &Laquo; The collapse of the Soviet Union came so quickly and unexpectedly that the injury to Russia remained persists. New-old political class for notRussians offered nothing that could be an alternative and led to the lead. However, 90 people are just trying to survive and they were not before. However, not all – some could become rich and realize themselves, and someone was difficult. It was an attempt to understand the new life. Later came a certain stability, which coincided with the arrival of Ownedymyra Putin, rising oil prices. And in this relatively quiet time people realized that the empire was gone. I want to say – Turn back …! » &Laquo; After another form of existence, people had no idea. Man in the one left with the state, which can make it wants. Therefore, the level of confidence in the country is very low in all indoorriyamy, as evidenced by the poll, 80% of people trust only the immediate environment – Seven ’ I have friends. They have no way to really affect your life, especially the last 15 years, even when local council elections falsified. They are not can get through because everywhere corruption, bribery & raquo ;. Therefore,reason why Russia is constantly interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, according to Konstantin von Eggert is a common past and a desire to maintain its imperial status: &Laquo; And we need to respect us. Why are we not respect NATO? Why Ukraine wants to be associated with the European Union and wants to be with us? It's a giant Nazitional complex. Since Ukraine is very close to Russia, while the country was a mirror that reflects a range of qualities that the Russian people are present to a lesser extent, we always looked at each other and saw the reflection of ourselves & raquo ;. Therefore, analyzing the Civil mood in the Russian Federation, a journalist suggested that statusUkraine in the minds of Russians: &Laquo; therefore the average Russian has not accepted the fact that Ukraine became an independent state for them it sounds somewhat strange. And this, in turn, used the representatives of the Russian government, in which the interests, legitimacy and the legitimacy of this desire to preserve & raquo ;. &Laquo; It was a shock to the Kremlin in 2004, coDoes Orange Revolution showed that in post, the same word ’ Slavic state so people can resist the power. These people do not believe and want others to think so, nothing in the world that just does not happen. So on ’ manifested concept « orange technology » as an explanation for everything that happens. After all, they do notthere are concepts such as people's will, the desire of citizens & raquo ;. &Laquo; And if the citizens want something, it means that they are forced to do it or pay for it. After all, if we recognize that people have free choice, then you « ustakanyuvaty » Russia's democracy, and it is unacceptable for the ruling class & raquo ;. What is still a difference incountry of Russia Moscow analyst says: &Laquo; So when Ukraine began the street, it was a huge challenge for Russia, because our government win the second square – is a harbinger of what may happen in Moscow. Therefore, the main task is to prevent this. That is why so many have begun to speak of Ukraine as a country revolutionarys Custom US State Department and that's what these movements result: chaos, people die, – but we do not need this. This explanation satisfied with our citizens. Russian propaganda machine works to convince people that they has no effect and nothing from them does not. It's all make Americans, Freemasons, Zionists … And our government always good. That's why being built in Russia – to support passive society & raquo ;. Therefore, according to Constantine E´´erta that many years working as a journalist on international affairs and looks at his country from a position of a European policy of the current problems in its shortsightedness: &Laquo; I believe that the Ukrainian crisis – is takozh Russian domestic crisis, the crisis of our identity that can not be imperialist, but still trying, and empires in today's world it is difficult to exist. Especially when there is a large white elephant called the United States. And everything is based on wants or does not want to America. &Raquo; &Laquo; This is about ’ objectivelyand the consequences of what the Soviet Union was defeated, and now Russia since taken over all remnants of the Union itself. It is not made certain conclusions without reinterpreted why giant empire collapsed & raquo ;, – concluded an expert on Russian politics Konstantin von E´´ert. Help. Konstantin von E´´ert – Russian journalalist, an expert on Russian politics authoritative publications UK (The Times, International Herald Tribune) and France (La Croix). He headed the Moscow office of the Russian service of BBC BBC Radio « Kommersant FM & raquo ;. As journalist « Proceedings » covered armed conflicts in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and the Balkans. Hahorodzhenyy Order of the British Empire, Commander of the Order of the Cross « For services to Lithuania & raquo ;. Told
