In the Volyn region memo students on the rules of safe crossing the roadway (+ photos)

Sometimes kids hurry or thinking, tired or feels bad and therefore see no dangerous situations on the streets and roads. When you maintain child to school before moving on the road w notekolyara the need to focus on. If you are constantly do that, then quickly build a child's habit of "activated" in situation before you cross the road. Good habits always help in life. They also figure in cultural behavior streets, roads and public places. So, in order to safely cross the street, payattention child on the following main points: - Cross the road in specific areas (traffic lights, unregulated pedestrian crossings) - In any case, not cross the road diagonally, drivers can not navigate the intentions pedestrian - When there is no pedestrian crossing is to find safe place to cross the road sstyny ??located away from turning and with a good overview of both sides. - Going, stop, look around, left and right, ensure the safety of all sides move carriageway control the situation and in no case run. If car goes fast, even on a pedestrian crossing should stay. Driver WMSis no time to slow down and fail to respond to a moving obstacle. However, do not rush, even when the car stopped at a crosswalk. Car moving in another lane can continue driving, and that - potential risk of accidents. In the transition roads need to be as vigilant, because the car can leave Analhlyh roads and takes time and attention to assess the situation. UGAI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region
