In Zhytomyr police arrested thieves-recidivists

Three residents Brusilovsky district announced the suspicion of having committed a series of thefts from country houses Kiev. Pre-trial investigation continues. In early March Brusilovsky district police approached two people in the capital of the notice of the theft of their country houses in a villagearea. While talking with police applicants have found that two neighboring houses were kidnapped by unknown conservation, power and other property. Relevant information was included in the Unified Register of pre-trial investigations Part 3 185 (Theft, coupled with the penetration of the premises) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The police atasked local residents and found that farmers actually saw the other day at the village streets suspicious of strangers. As a result of investigative activities established three police Brusylivschyny residents who might be involved in the theft. All three men aged 35, previously brought to criminal answerednosti for crimes of material nature. In committing thefts from both houses detainees confessed. March 16 officially announced their suspicion. Continues pre-trial investigation, during which police check involvement of men in similar criminal offenses registered in the district. By law, theftCombined with the penetration of home or other premises, shall be punished by imprisonment for granted for a period of 3 to 6 years. Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Ukraine Zhytomyr region, according Brusilovsky District Police
