In Vinnytsia police seized guns cut in resident Nemyrivschyny

March 12 during a search of apartment 28-year-old woman police seized a shotgun edge " IL-18s " 12 caliber. In fact the illegal handling of weapons for criminal proceedings. In the social network police found photos of a woman with shotgunm shotgun. After a search authorized by the household resident village of Great Bushynka, police seized edge smooth shotgun. The weapons sent to the police investigation to the Research Forensic Centre at the regional police for examination. In this incident modkryto criminal proceedings under Part 1 st.263 (illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which is punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years. During the investigation it is determined the origin and purpose of the storage bleed. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region
