In the winery derzhavtoinspektory taught pedestrians cross the road by the rules

March 11 in the center of Vinnitsa the State inspectors pedestrians offenders showed a video of the dire consequences of accidents. in. Kotsyubinskogo winery outside the State workers were taught pedestrians offenders PeretuNata road rules. Each offender police invited to preventive traffic police bus, where they spent outreach and instead of instituting administrative proceedings showed video of the consequences that may result disregard rules. Since the beginning of the region under the wheels of vehicles8 killed pedestrians, 17 were injured of varying severity. For violation of traffic rules by pedestrians provides liability to a fine of 51 to 85 USD. Derzhavtoinspektory Vinnichiny hope that watching videos of real tragic consequences of accidents that have occurred through the fault of pedestrians, there isfektyvnym way to prevent such offenses. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Vinnitsa region
