&Quot; The market area or marketplace? &Quot; - Vladimir Chornous, deputy Ivano-Frankivsk city council faction " Citizenship, Civic Forum "

City Hall has long been considered a symbol of Ivano-Frankivsk. After his surrender in 2012, the ownership of the local community of the need to carefully take care of the appearance of this architectureing pearls became not only a moral and legal obligation and Ivano-Frankivsk City Council and its Executive Committee. Meanwhile, the architectural ensemble of the Market Square, where the town hall, is the constant complaints of residents and visitors In particular, recently caused outrage community Christmas attractions dubious aesthetic valueand loud avtozabavy home-grown "Schumacher". Temporary commercial buildings that the original plan had become architects harmonious complement the ensemble around City Hall and serve to press sales and tourist souvenirs and, recently turned into a non-stop "rozlyvayky" illegal refrigeration showcases. And in AprilCity Hall will again inevitably surrounded by numerous beer tents sites. For completeness, here is resistant add "flavor" immortal shelves of dried and smoked fish and get a typical view of the current market square. Not surprisingly, members of the city council regularly raise the issue of the need to streamline trade and restrictionstraffic and then furnishing pedestrian zone in the Market Square. It is fair to note that the management of trade, municipal inspection landscaping and Safety Commission used the responses within its competence. But fundamentally the situation has not improved. So I think that the problem requires complex yousolution. In this regard, at the last session of the City Council, I turned to the mayor asking entrust specialized structural units executive committee: 1. Develop a detailed plan of the Market Square on the perimeter for the operation of the pedestrian zone with a minimum trade infrastructure and limited motor movement. 2. Do not conatm after launching their duration (9 April) permits the placement of temporary structures to their owners because of the disruption and unauthorized installation of refrigeration equipment outside stalls. 3. Submit proposals to overhaul the current town hall facade, which are sometimes obsypavsya. 4. Within ten days to take steps toclock restriction of traffic on Market Square (with the ability to check vehicles inhabitants of the quarter, the entities that carry out activities there, and emergency services). Unanimous prompted fellow deputies gives reason to hope that soon the market area still cease to be a marketplace. Urban space (espcially at a landmark for Ivano-Frankivsk site) should belong primarily pedestrians, bicycles and children's carriage, not tents and trade-daredevil drivers! This was reported in Ivano-Frankivsk city council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/