In the Rivne region during fire fighting in a building firefighters found two dead villagers
February 12 at 23:45 in emergency services call « 101 » received a report of a fire in the village of village Sarnenski area. At the address promptly went another guard 8th State Fire and Rescue parts of the city Sarni.When rescuers, breaking the 50-kilometer distance, reached the village, trees ’ plates and one-story apartment building was almost completely destroyed by fire. All testified too late fire detection. Farmers who to arrival firefighters tried to tame the flame ’ I could cope alone. To completely eliminate fire rescuers fromnadobylosya about 30 minutes. During the inspection of the conflagration employees of the State Service of the National Assembly found two highly charred human body. Subsequently managed to ’ find out what is dead householder 1949 his friend and 1954, both retired. Currently working at the scene investigative team. PG DSNS in Rivne regionSource: