In the Zhytomyr region police precinct inspectors returned to the owner of the stolen livestock to

Baranowski police department a statement addressed 42-year-old resident of the district center, who reported that the court of its households cells kidnapped 27 rabbits. The amount of loss is about 4 thousand. Local policeman installedand that the criminal offense committed two local residents aged 38 and 17 years who seized the stolen animals. Today the specified fact initiated criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Men could face a penalty of a fine of 50 to 100 tax-free minimum incomesor community service for a term of 80 to 240 hours, or correctional labor for up to 2 years, or imprisonment for up to 6 months, or imprisonment for up to 3 years. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
