In Zhytomyr under the wheels cyclist hit by car

During the last day recorded two traffic accidents in which two people were injured. About 17 hours between September 22 and s.Kotlyarkoyu entrance in the village. Hodorkiv Popilnyansky The driver of UAZ-3909, 53-year-old resident of the district center, hit a cyclist, 64-thingwell, resident of the village. Hodorkiv that was moving in a passing direction and before the change of direction was not sure that her maneuver will be safe. Due to an accident cyclist injured and was Delivered to the hospital. State Automobile Inspectorate appeals to drivers: Be careful to choose safe speed to be amendedOSU continuously monitor and securely manage vehicle. In carrying out any maneuver, ensure that it is safe in relation to other road users. UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine Zhytomyr region
