In Ternopil mushrooms - not only the gift of nature, but at the same time dangerous food Mushrooms
is not only a gift of nature, but at the same time dangerous food that can lead to poisoning and sometimes death. Body poisoning toxins, alkaloids and combination of heavy metals contained in the mushrooms. It is sad that many people do youjust make conclusions based on own experience. This year, the medical institutions of the region has been hospitalized three citizens who suffered the poisoning of wild mushrooms. The last such case was registered on September 22 that day to Lanovetsky central district hospital with a diagnosis of « Acute poisoning with wild mushrooms »hospitalized n ’ s yatdesyatyshestyrichnu resident. Hammer. Preferably, the major causes of poisoning are: * The use of poisonous mushrooms; * Bad cooking conditionally eatable mushrooms; * Using old or broken eatable mushrooms; * Using mushrooms, that have doubles or have changed because of mutation. Symptoms of poisoning – is primarily SuE nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, sweating, low blood pressure, seizures, involuntary urination, diarrhea, symptoms develop cardiovascular disease. Primary symptoms of poisoning such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea – appear one to four hours after eating the mushrooms, based on their youdo, as well as the age and health of the victim, amount of eaten away mushrooms. The pain and nausea attacks may be repeated several times over six hours to two days, and death can occur 5-10 days after poisoning. To prevent mushroom poisoning, we recommend: Buy mushrooms only in their designated places (magicianAzina, hothouses, special kiosks), avoid natural markets. Gather and buy mushrooms only about which you know that they are edible. Do not gather mushrooms unless you are sure you know them - no matter how appetizing they may seem; not known you collect mushrooms, as well as those that grow near highways, industrial wastelands, of the formernih dumps, chemical and radioactive dangerous zones. Mushrooms be cooked the day of collection, otherwise they formed a corpse poison. In no case shall mushrooms Offer to children, the elderly and pregnant women.Source: