In the Transcarpathian region cigarette price in life Rescuers call

Transcarpathians be careful while smoking, or opt out of addiction. The danger of smoking does not say except that lazy. However, the most common addiction among the population continues to kill the nation's health, often taking the most valuable thing a person – life. Only in Ukraine nicotine each day takes thousands of lives. However, despite the ban and frankly dubious benefits of smoking, people continue to abuse tobacco and beyond. And if, according to doctors, cigarettes kill slowly, rescuers DSNS probably already know – negligence during smoking can cost peopleno life. From carelessly thrown cigarette butts can ignite the tissue paper products and other combustible materials. And given the fact that the situation is usually warmed taken alcohol, nicotine-finals of alcoholic story is predictable … Only since the beginning of 2015 in the Carpathian region occurred 12 fires caused by carelessness was piA time smoking. P ’ yatero Transcarpathians paid for smoked a cigarette with their lives. Thus, on September 22 in New Hust the street there was a fire in the summer kitchen, the cause of which, most likely, was the owner of negligence during smoking. Unfortunately, the fire element not only destroyed property, but also claimed human life – owner died in firesand. Less proved tragic fire in the street facilities in the village Zarichevo Perechyn district. Owner dvorohospodarstva whose territory a fire rescue himself admitted to negligence. It turns before the fire, he smoked and throwing a cigarette butt, did not look or quench it. Given this sad statistic management DSNS Ukrainand in the Transcarpathian region warned citizens to be careful when smoking behavior and observe the rules of fire in the home. Remember, smoking not only harms your health but also may lead to loss of life. Protect yourself and your loved ones! In DSNS Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region
