17.09 in the Office DSNS Ukraine in Zhytomyr region held celebrations on the occasion of

savior Dear representatives of the media! On the occasion of the savior 17.09 in the Office DSNS Ukraine in Zhytomyr region held celebrations! We will be glad to see you at 12:00 at the following address: Zhitomir, street of Heroes Fire, 67-B.By the way, this year the teenager from our region Sergei Zaika tomorrow get the title "Hero-rescuer of the year 2015". Award ceremonies will take place tomorrow at DSNS Ukraine. Two more of our countrymen to save the life of human rights will be rewarding Head of DSNS in the region and head of the regional organization of the Voluntary Fire tovaryvstva!In DSNS in Zhytomyr region

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/