At Vinnytsia Zhmerinskiy police detained the attacker, who was wanted Zhmerinskogo

officers of the police department during the operation "Wanted" detained a thief who had gone into hiding for car theft and two months was wanted. In April appealed to the district 31-year-old resident of one of the villages Zhmerinskogo RayoWell a statement about car theft. Unidentified persons stole his car "VAZ-2103". As the acting Zhmerinskogo police department chief Vladimir Oleksyuk, the investigation had established the identity of the attacker. Repeatedly convicted man had gone into hiding and was declared wanted. During the operation "Wanted" operative officers zhmerynskoho police station arrested 31-year resident of one of the villages Zhmerinskogo area. The attacker is a temporary holding facility and tested for involvement in other crimes. Investigative Department resumed the criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 289 Criminal Code of Ukraine (illegal appropriation of a vehicle). For the offense providedsentence to five years in prison. District Police Zhmerinskiy Ukraine In Vinnytsia Region
