Ternopil region, rescuers noted the professional holiday of

September 17 Ukraine celebrates Day savior, representatives of the professional holiday of courageous profession – Employees, officers, veterans and pensioners fire protection, civil protection, local fire brigades, rescue groups, volunteers and volunteers Peopleunited around a common goal – protect the lives of citizens, their property and national wealth from emergencies. This Day in Office DSNS Ukraine in Ternopil region began with common prayer. Together with priests who came to the rescue, there were praying at the chapel « Blessed Bogordytsi Burning Bush » for peace in Ukraine, Health ’ i firefighters and professional character. A minute of silence they paid tribute to the bright city ’ Five of those heroic firefighters who passed away forever, zastupyvshy on permanent watch heavenly. And then, at the Theater Square of the city, Ternopil firefighters conducted a public campaign « Zapobive. Save. Help & raquo ;. Experts Management DSNS Ukraine together with representatives of educational-methodical center of civil protection and life safety in the Ternopil region launched a thematic areas. There everybody, residents and visitors can view with equipment which is used in rescue workki; learn the basics domedychnoyi provide assistance; For information on fire, technogenic safety and civil defense skills to master the use of the primary means of fire. Everyone could participate in thematic workshops that had psychologists Office. Get expert advice could citizens among internally itemeremischenyh people. Subsequently solemn alignment on their professional holiday, which opened the welcoming speech Head of Civil Protection, Colonel Viktor oil. He welcomed colleagues and expressed his gratitude for their work. With the words of respect and gratitude he addressed the veterans service, stressing that teperishlonger-generation firefighters rescue their formation and professional growth owes to them. Ternopil way to greet the rescuers head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration Stepan Barna, head of the Ternopil regional council Vasily Hominets and Mayor of Ternopol Sergey Nadal, veterans of the Fire and Rescue Service and wherelehatsiya firefighters Enlistment of Silesian voivodship State Fire Service of Poland. In their appeals, they DSNS thanked employees for excellent service and emphasized that rescue – calling it courageous spirit and hardened people that requires sacrifice and dedication chosen vocation. For conscientious performance withluzhbovyh Duty ’ and bonds on their professional holiday the best employees were awarded distinctions, certificates, awarded to the next special rank. Awards were also veterans of the Fire and Rescue Service and representatives of volunteer organizations.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/